This Chanel shoulder bag in beautiful white caviar leather, has large interlocking CC logo stitched on the front of the bag. It can be comfortably carried on the shoulder and has great capacity to help you stay organized.
The bag is clean and doesn't appear to have been used; but as a result of long term storage and its light color, scratches and marks can be seen on the exterior and interior surface. (refer to pictures). The interior is lined in matching white leather with a large pocket secured by a zipper. The lining of the inner zipper pocket has, what seems like water mark stains. (refer to photo). The corners of the bag are also slightly cracked due to age. This tote bag is vintage (1996-1997) and has been stored for a long time, and when bidding please keep these facts in mind. This tote bag is stiff and hence holds its shape well.
The bag is clean and doesn't appear to have been used; but as a result of long term storage and its light color, scratches and marks can be seen on the exterior and interior surface. (refer to pictures). The interior is lined in matching white leather with a large pocket secured by a zipper. The lining of the inner zipper pocket has, what seems like water mark stains. (refer to photo). The corners of the bag are also slightly cracked due to age. This tote bag is vintage (1996-1997) and has been stored for a long time, and when bidding please keep these facts in mind. This tote bag is stiff and hence holds its shape well.
This simple versatile tote bag has plenty of life left for those who are fine with imperfections at a bargain price.
hologram sticker present 4697929
White caviar leather
16.3 (W) x 12.2 (H) x 4.5 (D) inches
# of interior pockets
Accompanied by
Generic Dust Bag
Interior lining
Handle Drop
11 inches
Made in: France
Serial Number: 4697929
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